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Sipahh Flavours

We treat every Sipahh flavor as special, because they are. Dreamt up by the lovely people in our community or imagined by people in our Sipahh HQ, we are constantly adding to our array of flavours. Inspired by fresh produce, old fashioned bake sales, your favourite kitchen and the milk bars of our childhood; they are subtle, smooth and always a delight. Which one is your favourite?


Subtle, sweet and oh so good. Simple and satisfying, our Cocoa Bean Chocolate straw is your every day chocolate drink. The taste is creative play and fun afternoons in a straw.


The first sip of a Luscious Strawberry Sipahh evokes the milk bar of yesteryear with a pastel drink that’s creamy and subtly sweet (ask mum or dad about the milk bar of yesteryear if you don’t remember them!). A familiar staple in every Australian childhood, Luscious Strawberry is an old fashioned favourite.


Mellow and yellow, our Banana Smoothie straw is a lower-sugar version of the old fashioned banana milkshake. If people compliment you on your classic taste, your reliability and your timeless good looks, this straw is the one for you.

Choc Mint

For steadfast fans of chocolate-mint mashups, there is nothing better than the refreshing, creamy result that comes from this surprising combination. Reminiscent of summer, boardwalks, and afternoon strolls, Chilled Out Choc Mint is a firm favourite for choc-mint lovers. Discover it under a delicious mint green flow wrap, then enjoy!

Cookies and Cream

A modern classic, the cookies and cream combo makes an appearance on every quality milkshake menu since it became a craze circa 1997. Okey dokey Cookies & Cream has the distinct quality of golden, oaty biscuits dunked in whole milk.


Like the finest raspberries from the first English early-summer harvest, our Raspberry Fields Sipahh straw is tangy and bursting with sweet surprise all at once. Its bright raspberry flow wrap speaks of the true raspberry flavour within. With notes of crisp freshness and evoking lush field raspberries from your favourite market stall, Raspberry Fields is a most welcome addition to the Sipahh range.


Aromatic, smooth and – of course – ultra creamy, Velvet Vanilla is a mild milky flavour for your favourite milky drink. With notes of the finest French varieties, our Velvet Vanilla straw is reminiscent of a simple vanilla sundae with a delicious wafer on top.


Is this the real summer fruit and milk in a blender? The person who made the first mango smoothie was a genius. An Australian staple, our Mango Smoothie straw is all balmy breeze, beach towels and cricket in the background … It’s simply summer in a straw!


Pine lime, cream, piercing summer sun and vivid orange sunrise, Tropical Splash takes you on a tropical getaway with every sip. For the person always dreaming of the next island holiday, this is your escape in a lower-sugar straw.

Our Lamington Dream Sipahh straw conjures up the classic Australian kitchen: wafts of baked butter cake rolled in chocolate and toasted coconut. We’ve captured the flavours so fittingly; we think it’s worthy of the blue ribbon at the Country Women’s Association bake off.

Traditional baked caramel – smooth, tasty and oh so inviting. Like your favourite fudge, hard caramel or sticky sauce, our Smooth Caramel is timeless and adored by people of all ages.


Fluffy and enticing with hints of whisper-light sweetness – meet our cloud-like Hello Marshmallow (hello)! Our friendly marshmallow straw, with its frosty pink flow wrap, is a new favourite for pastel loving dreamers.

White Chocolate

A flurry of delicious white chocolate, it’s everything you love in a pure winter’s day. Reminiscent of winter walks and snow angels, it’s equally delicious in a frosty chilled glass or mug of warm milk.

Choc Orange

They always say opposites attract, but who knew these two flavours would be such a match made in heaven? Like night and day or Prince Charming and Cinderella, there’s a beautiful balance between these best friends. Fruity, tart orange with subtle, simple chocolate – just like jaffa balls. The sun goes down on another perfect romance.

Apple Pie

Piping hot apple pie with crusty pastry, buttery stewed apples and fresh cream on the side. It’s homemade, wholesome and your best memory of school holidays spent at Granny’s. It’s your favourite winter treat, from your favourite family member captured in a Sipahh straw.

Do you know the muffin man? I think I know the muffin man … His sister is Miss Ginger and she thinks he always steals the show. Miss Ginger met Mr Bread and created the cutest fairy tale you ever did see. A fluffy, gingery flavour served best with creamy white milk.

Choc Hazlenut

Hot crackling campfires, toasty winter hazelnuts, everyone’s favourite chocolate – it’s a recipe for good taste. A toasty, creamy combination evoking your favourite camping memories – starry nights, good ghost stories and camp oven suppers, made even better by your hearty outdoor appetite.


You are at the movies and the beautifully appetising aroma of warm popcorn wafts past your nose. This straw brings you to that moment. Are you excited, scared, sad or just eating popcorn and choc-tops? Our delicious popcorn straw will bring you back to the thoughts and feelings of the best movies you have seen – and will expand your imagination just as much.


· Cha Cha Chai: Smooth, silky and graceful, just like a beautifully danced cha cha cha or samba. This delicate blend of creamy tea and spice flavours added to delicious, cool milk is just as smooth, silky and graceful. One to enjoy with mum, wait, one for mum to enjoy with you 😊.

Pure, smooth and – how else can we say this? – Delicious! Our Coconut Kisses flavour conjures up the tropics, in a simple, creamy, coconut-ty sip. So good it doesn’t need any other flavour, or any introduction, coconut lingers in your memory, long after the moment is gone… like the sweetest of kisses.


Still dreaming about that delicious candy cane that you snuck out and ate straight off your Christmas tree last year? This delicious Sipahh straw is that flavour and brings you right into the Christmas spirit from the first sip until the last. And it lingers, just like the joy of Christmas.


Like the best handmade honeycomb, our Hokey Pokey Honeycomb flavour melts in your mouth, leaving a soft caramel aftertaste. A firm favourite flavour with our New Zealand bro’s, honeycomb is buzzing bees, dripping honey, wilting flowers – your favourite things evoked in one simple, delicious sip.


This one is a little scary. It is all about the strange things that happen at night, after dark when spooky things come out. The rich dark colour of fresh blood – just the way Count Dracula likes it. And a delicious flavour favoured by witches and warlocks, ghouls and goblins, spirits and spectres – they all love it.


In the age of the awkward, the era of the edgy, the century of the self-conscious … the time of the Hipster is here. Thick-rimmed specs, spotted socks, bow ties, button downs and an impeccable taste in, — well everything — our Ice Cool Hipster Latte is sweet (but not too sweet), unique and utterly lovable.

It’s the Australian classic iced coffee flavour, with a new look. It’s only available online … but of course, we hear you ask: Where else would one shop?